3 season tents
Crafted to the same exacting standards Hilleberg tents are renowned for, our new 3 season models are engineered
expressly to offer 3 season users the same quality and value that our all season users have been enjoying for nearly
40 years. These are not simply “summer tents”: they use the stout yet light 9 mm poles found in many of our all
season models and our new, very light Kerlon 1000 outer tent fabric, which boasts a substantial 10 kg/22 lb tear
strength. Specifically, these tents are built to cope with the unpredictable, often tempestuous climate of northern
Scandinavia’s snow-free months – a period where the weather can change from warm sunshine to alarmingly cold,
windy and rainy in an instant. To this end, all three new tents have been subjected to extended periods of quite
high winds and stormy conditions, which they handled extremely well.
• AnjAn 2 & 3 – Tunnel TenT
Modelled on our proven nallo all season design, the Anjan is the ideal choice for warmer weather trips where light weight and
simplicity are priorities. Around 25% lighter than the nallo models, the Anjan still offers excellent stability and plenty of room
for the occupants and their gear.
HILLEBERG ANJAN is the ideal choice for
mobile journeys in any terrain during the
snow-free months of the year. Based on our
proven, all season Nallo, the Anjan models have
all the strength necessary for 3 season use in
exposed and/or above tree line conditions, yet
they weigh roughly 20% less than their Nallo
Anjan models share the same
dependable 9 mm poles found in many of our
all season models – including the Nallo – but
they also incorporate our Kerlon 1000 outer
tent fabric.
The newest member of our Kerlon fabric family, Kerlon 1000 is signifi cantly
lighter than the other Kerlons, and it boasts an impressive 10 kg/22 lb tear strength, equal to or greater than many so called 4 season tent fabrics on the market. 
The Anjan’s outer tent stretches nearly to the ground, leaving enough space to promote constant air fl ow while still providing protection from driving rain or unseasonable snow squalls, and its bathtub fl oor is constructed to bridge the gap.
The inner tent is a combination of our inner tent fabric, an air permeable, breathable, and highly water repellent fabric, and large areas of mesh.
This helps stave off condensation in damp times while allowing a large volume of air flow in all weathers.
Hilleberg Anjan 2
Sleep: 2
Packed Weight: 3 lbs 12 oz
Minium Weiht: 3 lbs 1 oz
MSRP: $570
Available: May 2012
Hilleberg Anjan 3
Sleeps 3
Packed Weight: 4 lbs 3 oz
Minium Weight: 3 lbs 8 oz
Msrp: $598
Available: May 2012
Hilleberg Anjan 2
Sleep: 2
Packed Weight: 3 lbs 12 oz
Minium Weiht: 3 lbs 1 oz
MSRP: $570
Available: May 2012
Hilleberg Anjan 3
Sleeps 3
Packed Weight: 4 lbs 3 oz
Minium Weight: 3 lbs 8 oz
Msrp: $598
Available: May 2012
Also available in green.
Movie: Hilleberg Anjan - Pitching intruction